Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Calvary Church Worship Arts  He Reigns Baritone   
 2. Alpha Praise  Jesus Reigns!: He Is Lord/Our God Reigns/All Hail the Power of Jesus' N  The Majesty & Glory of the Resurrection 
 3. Charles Platten  Ave Maria Baritone  Contest 2008 
 4. Charles Platten  Why We Sing Baritone  Honour Choir 2009 
 5. Calvary Church Worship Arts  Orphans Of God Baritone   
 6. Charles Platten  Do you Fear the Wind? Baritone  Charles Platten's Album 
 7. Frank Zappa  Planet Of The Baritone Women  Broadway The Hard Way   
 8. Big Band Byrne  Demolition Baritone - Extract  Leaving For Home 
 9. Greg Sandow  Frankenstein - Baritone Monologue   
 10. Greg V ~ Guitar  Swart AST Pro - Baritone Clean Tremolo   
 11. F.Schubert  Ave Maria for baritone & piano trio  VSM audio files 
 12. Emmanuel Sikora  Introduction to Songs for Bass-Baritone  Music of Emmanuel Sikora - September 30, 2007 
 13. Emmanuel Sikora  Introduction to Songs for Bass-Baritone  Music of Emmanuel Sikora - September 30, 2007 
 14. Premiere Opera Podcast hosted by Ed Rosen  Cornell MacNeil- The Great Verdi Baritone  Cornell MacNeil- The Great Verdi Baritone 
 15. Lenny Smith  Our God reigns  Dee Calls To Deep  
 16. Chuck Salvo  He Reigns  New Beginnings 
 17. Adoration Publications  He Reigns  November 2005 Choral Plan CD #1 
 18. Lenny Smith  Our God reigns  Dee Calls To Deep  
 19. Lenny Smith  Our God reigns  Dee Calls To Deep  
 20. Scott Owens  He Reigns  Fully Alive - Teaching 
 21. Brandon Heath  Our God Reigns  Don't Get Comfortable   
 22. Chris Tomlin, Charlie Hall, David Crowder and Matt Redman  Our God Reigns  Passion: Everything Glorious  
 23. Finley Duke  Our God Reigns  album 
 24. Isis  Swarm Reigns (Down)  Celestial  
 25. Calvary Church Worship Arts  He Reigns Sop1   
 26. The Providence Presbyterian Church Choir  All PraiseTo God, Who Reigns Above  All Praise To God, Who Reigns Above 
 27. Clyde McLennan  All Praise to Him who reigns above  www.smallchurchmusic.com 
 28. PraiseGathering Music Group  He Reigns- Drama  PGMG Enhanced CDs 
 29. Clyde McLennan  All Praise to Him who reigns above  www.smallchurchmusic.com 
 30. My Own Grave  Where Carnage Reigns  Unleash   
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